Death to Slater - The Fabulous Belding Boys
senior class trip, its the highlight of the year
but there's a midterm and the teacher isnt here
zack's so quick with the 5 minute rule
what the fuck is going on in this school?
who's the substitute who's got long hair
who gives good grades cause he just dont care
now there's two beldings: richie and rod
now there's two beldings, oh my fucking god!
two beldings at bayside
richie and rod
two beldings at bayside
fuck you rod!
you said you need your summers off to follow your
but not everything is as great as it seems
i was gonna take the kids camping
but you said no! white water rafting
CPR class good way to make out
but the kids dont know what you're really about
bayside high thinks you're the best
but you'll ditch them to go have sex
two beldings at bayside
richie and rod
two beldings at bayside
fuck you rod!