the jims - the jims

download it now

march, 2009


live in the basement

01 - the jims     (download)

02 - hXb     (download)

03 - fell in luv wit you     (download)

04 - griff is the best     (download)

05 - loaded shotgun     (download)

06 - girl     (download)

07 - pedestrian     (download)

08 - i dont wanna be with you     (download)

09 - freezer burn     (download)

10 - i'm stupid     (download)

11 - TROMC     (download)


entertain you

12 - entertain me     (download)

13 - burn the witch     (download)

14 - fucked up at work     (download)

15 - the jims are here to kill     (download)

16 - danny bonadouchebag     (download)

17 - dont catch cancer     (download)

18 - wasted     (download)

19 - love makes the world go round     (download)

20 - spencer rice is a fucking fuck     (download)

21 - i love everything and want to live     (download)

22 - jims     (download)

23 - katie got punched in the face     (download)

24 - yer too old     (download)

25 - stuck with me     (download)

26 - we are the fucking jims     (download)

